Friday 4 July 2008

Further thoughts on last and next modules

Some further thoughts particularly relating to last module...

PC problems were time consuming when time availability was at a premium. These problems contributed to difficulties already experienced by having to re-submit my proposal and await confirmed acceptance.

Conversations regarding conflicting views on paraphrasing and citing original author's quotes correctly, together with the referencing of online communications created considerable confusion.

My feedback suggested that I was making my research more complex than it needed to be. This ties in with a section in my learning journal expressing concern over the use of NLP when in the hands of someone other than an experienced practitioner.

When I discussed this aspect of Neuro Linguistic Programming with a fellow researcher who was also implementing the technique into their work role we agreed that provided a small, subtle change was introduced that any danger was remote.

I plan to simplify my initial approach accordingly with regards to implementation of my inquiry. From my feedback it is clear that by refining my methods and narrowing the research focus even further, I will increase the chances of success by going into more depth without veering off into irrelevant territory! I will need to review my plan before the next semester and read more widely relevant topic literature which is more specifically linked to my own research and the questions I aim to answer.

I am determined to take a bit of a holiday first though ! (Perhaps therein lies the problem!)

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